Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Two cookies are better than one?

So lately Roman is addicted to these specific teething biscuits. He's had his two bottom teeth since he was 3 months old, but we've been working away at those top teeth ever since.

The teething biscuits are his favorite, but I have to drive across town to get them and they cost $3 per box. He can go through one box per week. So, I decided that it can't be that difficult to make your own teething biscuits. I researched recipes - some had eggs (a no-go for us since egg sensitivity/intolerance/allergy runs in the family). Recipes were so varied that I ultimately just started mixing some things together. I started with Gerber rice cereal and added whole wheat flour and vanilla. More moisture (and probably sweetness) was needed, so I added organic apple sauce to make a dough. I kneeded all of this together and then used the rim of a bottle to cut the circular cookies. I cut them about 1/4 inch thick and they don't rise. Next time, I will make them thicker. I made my first batch, but so far we are having a bit of difficulty transitioning from rectangular biscuits to mom's homemade circular cookies. Same concept, but the new shape is a bit hard to get used to. Roman must be like his mom in that regard - doesn't take easily to change but never turns down a cookie.

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