Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Grow the pumpkin!

There are no shortage of strange and corny children's programming on television. When Roman was 4 weeks old we starting turning on the television so that he could see the colors and the characters on cartoons and hear the voices and the songs. There was one program in particular that had grown men in jumpsuits singing about different topics...its called "Imagination Movers". They are the guys to call if you have an "idea emergency". They will brainstorm their way out of any predicament. Well, we are still watching this program (having accepted the fact that sometimes men wear jumpsuits outside of prison). We are happily singing away to all of their songs, including the "grow the pumpkin" song. In this song the strange jumpsuit men, using only a tiny pot and a small watering can, grow a pumpkin the size of an asteroid from seed in about 2 minutes elapsed time. So, to get into the spirit of the autumn season and halloween holiday, we've been singing "grow the pumpkin" whenever we see our pumpkins at home or pumpkins at the store. We definitely hummed that little dity two weeks ago when we went to the Bishop Pumpkin Patch in Wheatland, where Roman sat next to this big-mammer-jammer of a pumpkin. The little monkey in the front pocket of Roman's denim overalls was quite impressed with the size of this pumpkin and really enjoyed the hayride too.

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